Episode two: Desperate fools them all

The company was requiring Desperate as well as many of the other new employees to give a brief introduction about themselves and what they do here at the company during the next staff meeting. All the new employees were recent college grads and hand minimal experience in their fields. Most spoke about their college majors and experiences then gave the basics of what their current role in the company entailed.

Desperate’s overwhelming concerns of judgements from her fellow coworkers was overcome by her desire to say her planned speech.

“Hi everyone, my name is Desperate. I started about two weeks ago in the development department. My job is a little confusing for most but I think I can explain it on the simplest terms for all of you. Prince Charming and I work to bring all the departments together so we can work more efficiently, simple right? I had really no idea what this job entailed in the beginning and I barely do now,” grins and waits for laughter, some smiled. She then looks over at Prince Charming longingly and says her tribute “but I really took this job because I really like Prince Charming was just really great. He was really funny and I thought working with him would be great opportunity.” The crowd awes as she blushes and pats herself on her back. Enemy is standing behind her, holding back her laughter with all her will power.


“Great job you guys, I enjoyed listening to all you guys” said one of the executives.

“Than–” said enemy interrupted.

“Thanks, it was great to talk about working with Prince Charming”

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