Episode four: Oh my darling, clementine

“Enemy, chicken and lots of veggies. Looks good and very healthy! It’s what I should be eating but whatever, haha,”said one of the executives that entered the break room. Generally a well liked and personable executive that every makes small talk with in the break room. “Is that all you have?” she directs at desperate who is eating Cheezits.

In all one swift motion, desperate rips out an object from her lunch bag and screams “I have clementines too!”

“Oh, that’s good,” said replied.

“I was so excited that I found a place that sells clementines individually. I hate that you have to buy them by the 5 pounds,” Enemy chimed in.

“Oh wow, never really knew that existed. I just eat like five at a time so I have never cared for much less,” said executive.

“Yeah that’s stupid,” Desperate added.

“Really fond of clementines but can only ever find the mandarin ones so I haven’t been getting them. Probably should look at another grocery store sometime,” said executive.

“I can get you a box, they sell them at my store. I can go after work and give them to you tomorrow,” Desperate desperately pleaded.

“No, no thank you. Plus I have no cash on me ever.”

“Don’t worry it would be my treat!”

“No, that’s okay,” executive said inching out the door.

“Well take the ones I have now!”

“No, I’ll wouldn’t feel comfortable taking your lunch”

“I insist I have them all the time”

“Heh, no that’s very thoughtful but enjoy your lunch ladies,” executive said leaving the room. Desperate sat there smug and proud. I am the only one here willing to give up her lunch to executive she thought.

Episode three: The Crazy Situation

“I woke up with 18 messages from Crazy this morning, like this is nuts,” Enemy said expressing concern. Desperate and Enemy have been aware of the neediness of Crazy with her incessant attachment to us at all moments of our work day. However, Crazy seemed to bond to Enemy rather strongly and for this Desperate was grateful. Desperate expressed on many occasions that she was not in the market for new friends which drove Crazy to find a more suitable person to suck the life force out of.

“What did she say? What did you say?” asked Desperate. She spent much of her time expressing her hatred for Crazy but could never resist a juicy story of another’s agitation. At times she expressed moments of resentment towards Enemy and often explained that she had no idea why Crazy never comes to talk her.

Enemy shows her the text messages:

Literally everyone is here

They all literally all here drinking

I refuse to go outside

Fuck all the cool kids are here lol

I am in my room

I just closed the door

Literally they never cared they invited people

Never told me


So I don’t care either

They never cared

I am so done with my roommates

Send help lol


They are still here

Still making noise
